Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Class 10: Group work on Resources & Tools

To begin to talk about Resources & Tools:
You will find another three group members and work together to prepare a short group presentation for Friday.

Your group presentation will be 8 minutes. You will first introduce your group members, and then introduce the resource/tool that you choose. Your introduction to the resource/tool may include:
  • Definition/description (visual formats such as pictures, videos are efficient to do this. If it is available, put some statistical data about its current use in the k-12 classroom; );
  • Main features;
  • Possible ways to use it to facilitate teaching (try to specify at least one teaching strategies when using it)
  • Give a good example of using it in the classroom with details (subject area, grade level, learning objectives, class size, class duration etc.)
  • Possible drawbacks of using it for students' learning (from a pedagogical point of view)
Since we will have the group presentation on Friday, we need to try our best to get the group work part done in the class. Here is my suggestion for today's agenda:

You need to get your group members together and decide what topic you will work with within. Your group needs to turn in your group member list and the topic you have chosen at the end of this time. If you have already decided your group members and your group topic, then just continue with the second stage of the work.

  • Decide the format of your presentation (PowerPoint, Markers & Big Paper Sheet, Lecture, etc.)
  • Decide every person's responsibility for this presentation (how you will work for this presentation? Are you going to searching the resources and making the presentation together or are you going to assign each person a part?)
  • Search online and discuss with your group members if necessary
  • Write outline for your presentation
  • Put your information together
  • Review your information, revise and refine your presentation materials.

Your presentation topic can be but not limited to one of the following topic:
  • Smartboard
    Your presentation for the Smartboard can include but not limit to:
    • Definition/description of smartboard
    • pictures/video to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features
    • Examples of using Smartboard in a class
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Smartboard in your class
Suggested links
  • Google Earth
    Your presentation for Google Earth can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of Google Earth
    • pictures/video to show what it looks like, how it works
    • I will ask the OIT to install the Google Earth on the teacher station computer so that you can show the class how it works.
    • Its main features
    • Examples of using Google Earth in a class
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Google Earth in your class
    Suggested links:
  • Blog
    Your presentation for Blog can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of Blog
    • Example Blogs used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Blogs in your class
Suggested links:
  • Wiki
    Your presentation for Wiki can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of Wiki
    • Example Wiki used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Wiki in your class
Suggested links:
  • PodCasting
    Your presentation for PodCasting can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of PodCasting
    • Example of PodCasting used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using PodCasting in your class
Suggested links:
  • A online teacher community (provide open-source teaching materials, lesson plans, courseware, etc.)
    Your presentation for online teacher community can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of this teacher community
    • Its history and development
    • Its main members (where are they from; what they do; what types of students they are teaching; what subject areas they are in; etc. )
    • Example of online teacher community used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using online teacher community in your class
      Suggested links:

  • Electronic Portfolio
    Your presentation for Electronic Portfolio can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of Electronic Portfolio
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Example of Electronic Portfolio used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Electronic Portfolio in your class
Suggested links:

Your group presentation will be graded individually according to the quality of your group presentation and the peer evaluation.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Class 9: Chapter 3 Bumper Sticker & Teaching Strategies

I had been reading all your group discussions on the WebCT, and some of them are really deep reflections, such as someone talked about different theories to guide learning; several persons talked about the problem-based lean ring and inquiry-based learning and the KWL; many of you talked about three different stages of learning or knowing; and someone talked about the ideal situation of assessment and the reality in schools. Now we've got quite a few very good bumper stickers. All of them summarized the section that you've read, and some are humorous.

Group 1:A Basic Introduction to learning Theory

"Learning is like eating an oreo, everyone does it differently." --Katherine

"Learning fast if using the best (theory)." --Avery

Group 2: Constructivism in the Classroom

"A KWL Chart is my co-pilot" --Kyle

"Constructivist Learning-Engage To Learn."--Chelsea

Group 3: What Does it Mean to Learn?

"All should aspire to "understanding that.""--Robert

"What does it mean to learn? To "know"." -Melissa
""Knowing" material equals passing tests"-Melissa
"Only if teachers knew most students dislike group work" -Melissa
"to know how" you have to "understand that"-Melissa
"Knowing How is Understanding That"--Courtney Minner
"If you really wanna KNOW HOW, UNDERSTAND THAT!"--Tyler
"First "understand that" then how and why". --Haley Gowen

Group 4: Accountability and Assessment
"Don't panic about the test, its only an assessment" -- Angela

What strategies are used to address certain learning styles? How does learning theory impact teaching strategies? Is lecturing about your subject matter all that is necessary?
Get back to your group of the last Friday, take a look at the following website: http://www.umich.edu/~crlteach/ and http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/categ.html. Then try to find TWO that matches your learning style.
Remember, there are more 80 models to classify your learning styles. Except for the model we used in the online quiz (Active vs. Reflective; Sensing vs. Intuitive; etc. ), there are other ways to categorize learning styles. For example, you can also talk about leaerning styles as visual, autitory, and kinesthetic.

After this, Select a learning style that is different from your team members learning styles. As a team research one teaching method that you feel works best with the selected learning style. As a team select one of the Georgia Performance standards and decide which teaching method you would use to address the standard? Be prepared to explain why.

Imagine that you have been asked to mentor a "new teacher." The mentee has asked you the following questions. How would you answer them?
How do educators know how to teach? What strategies are used to address certain learning styles? How does learning theory impact teaching strategies? Is lecturing about your subject matter all that is necessary?

To begin to talk about Resources & Tools:
You will find another three group members and work together to prepare a short group presentation for Friday. Your presentation topic can be but not limited to one of the following topic:
  • Smartboard
    Your presentation for the Smartboard can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of smartboard
    • pictures/video to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features
    • Examples of using Smartboard in a class
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Smartboard in your class

  • Google Earth
    Your presentation for Google Earth can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of Google Earth
    • pictures/video to show what it looks like, how it works
    • I will ask the OIT to install the Google Earth on the teacher station computer so that you can show the class how it works.
    • Its main features
    • Examples of using Google Earth in a class
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Google Earth in your class

  • Blog
    Your presentation for Blog can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of Blog
    • Example Blogs used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Blogs in your class
  • Wiki
    Your presentation for Wiki can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of Wiki
    • Example Wiki used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Wiki in your class

  • PodCasting
    Your presentation for PodCasting can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of PodCasting
    • Example of PodCasting used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using PodCasting in your class

  • A online teacher community (provide open-source teaching materials, lesson plans, courseware, etc.)
    Your presentation for online teacher community can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of this teacher community
    • Its history and development
    • Its main members (where are they from; what they do; what types of students they are teaching; what subject areas they are in; etc. )
    • Example of online teacher community used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using online teacher community in your class

  • Electronic Portfolio
    Your presentation for Electronic Portfolio can include but not limit to
    • Definition/description of Electronic Portfolio
    • Its main features/benefits
    • Example of Electronic Portfolio used for teaching to show what it looks like, how it works
    • Possible shortcomings/drawbacks of using Electronic Portfolio in your class
Your group presentation will be graded individually according to the quality of your group presentation and the peer evaluation.

be ready to discuss what you imagine a typical classroom will look like in the future.

Class Assignment Electrical Submission Rule

I did not make it clear in our previous assignment submission, but now this is our electrical submission rule: every time when you email me your assignments or page links, please make sure that I received them by checking your email to see if I emailed back to confirm. It is your responsibility to make sure that your file was sent to me and I saw it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Class 8: Learning Styles and Teaching Strategies

On Wednesday, we talked about Georgia Performance Standards and the old Quality Core Curriculum Standards. You should have found the standards that address your selected subject area and grade level and should have printed them and bring them to the class.
Today we will first talk about the ISTE standards for technology integration -- this class, and your course projects, are based on those standards.

Today we will share our findings from our learning styles quiz.
Watch this video. You can also watch this one.
After reading this article and this short learning style chart, answer the following question:
Did you agree with the results? Why or why not? Do you think a student is always a specific type of learner? Do you learn differently for different subjects?

Find another two persons with similar learning styles of yours. As a group answer the following questions:
What technology have you seen used to meet the needs of different learners? What tools do you use for studying?
How do you think learning the different learning styles will help you become a better teacher? Students preferentially take in and process information in different ways: by seeing and hearing, reflecting and acting, reasoning logically and intuitively, analyzing and visualizing, or in steadily and in fits and starts. Teaching methods also vary. Some instructors lecture, others demonstrate or lead students to self-discovery; some focus on principles and others on applications; some emphasize memory and others understanding.

In your groups share your insights into the following questions:
What do you think happens when mismatches exists between the learning styles of most students in a class and the teaching style of the professor? What happens to the student? To the professor? As a student what can you do to help the professor teaching you more effectively? As a future teacher, what techniques would you use to help your students?

Ultimately, the instructor is here to help you learn. One way is to create a learner centered classroom (Chapter 2) that meets the Learner’s needs (Chapter 4). As a student, it is up to you to take ownership of your own learning experience.
Here are more resources on learning styles.

Learning Styles Explained
Learning Styles Chart
Learning Styles Self-Assessment
Multiple Intelligence Inventory

To do:
  • Read Chapter 3 in groups and then each group create a bumper sticker with no more than 8 words. Your bumper sticker should summarize the section that you have read. Try to add some humourous elements if you can. You will use the WebCT discussion function to discuss your bumper sticker. On Monday, one of your group members will share with the class your bumper sticker and explain it.
    • Group 1: A Basic Introduction to learning Theory
    • Group 2: Constructivism in the Classroom
    • Group 3: What Does it Mean to Learn?
    • Group 4: Accountability and Assessment

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Class 7: Georgia Performance Standard

Reminder: You should have already sent me the URL of your autobiography page before the class.
You should have a navigational bar that is linked to all of the webpages you have created (listed in the pink handout). You will be using the structure established throughout the semester as we build our Web-Portfolio. So far the only page that should have any "content" is the autobiography page. The auto biography page should have the following:

1. Content of your autobiography - corrected if necessary
2. 3 images
3. 3 external links (links to websites of your interests)
4. A link to your resume

Our goal for this semester is to begin putting together the puzzle pieces that make up the learning and teaching process -- with a focus on tools and resources.

Georgia Performance Standards

One of our goals is to begin putting together the puzzle pieces that make up the learning and teaching process -- with a focus on tools and resources. The pieces are Curriculum Standards, Learning Theories, Resources and Tools and Teaching Strategies.

Every state has standards and every content area has national standards. There are even standards for technology integration. Georgia uses the Georgia Performance Standards. You can even watch a video about the Georgia Performance Standards.

Currently the Georgia Department of Education is still working on the transition from Quality Core Curriculum (QCC) to the Georgia Performance Standards.
  • Transited: language arts, science, social studies, and mathematics
  • In the process of converting: Foreign Language and Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education
  • To be converted in the future: health, physical education, and fine art

You'll also want to be familiar with the ISTE standards for technology integration -- this class, and your course projects, are based on those standards. Select a grade level and subject area that will be the focus of your projects this semester. Important: Learn to navigate the http://www.georgiastandards.org/ (Georgia Performance Standards Website) so that you can select your subject area.

Learning Theories
Our discussion of Curriculum Standards helped us answer the questions
1. How do educators know what to teach?
2. How do they know what students should learn?
Now we will move on another piece of the learning puzzle, Learning Theories. The questions we will be asking ourselves are:
1. How do educators know how to meet the needs of the specific learners with which they are working?
2. Are their different types of learners?
3. Does everyone understand subject matter in the same way?
4. How can teachers identify the different types of learners in their classrooms?

To do list:
  • Explore the Georgia Performance Standards website and select a grade and subject level. You'll need to print a hard copy of these standards . Have it ready for me to look at on Wednesday.
  • Take this online quiz to determine your learning style. Bring a print out to class. You will be handing it in (at the end of class) - as part of your participation grade.
  • But understanding learning styles is just one part of this puzzle piece. Read the following explanation on learning styles after you have taken your online quiz. Bring a print out of your quiz results and be prepared to share what you have learned.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Google page creator tutorial download

Hello , please click here to download the Google page creator tutorial that I just created.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Class 6: Continue working on your Google pages, group presentation of Chapter 4 and Georgia Performance Standards

Agenda: Continue working on Google pages; Chapter 4 group presentation; introduce the Learning Puzzle - Focus on Georgia Performance Standards.

Today is the due date for your resume assignment. Please upload your resume on webCT with your name on the file name before the class starts.

Please remember to sign in when you come to the class.

Continue working on your Google pages

Today we first will finish setting up all the eight pages , and then we will work on your autobiography page. You should have written a brief (1-2 paragraph) introduction about yourself, current information, career plans, and where you see yourself in 5 years. To keep our schedule on track, we will use the first 15 minutes to finish this part.

Work on your Autobiography page:
Your autobiography page should include the following:

  • Content of your autobiography (a brief (1-2 paragraph) introduction about yourself, current information, career plans, and where you see yourself in 5 years. )

  • 3 images - (if possible - a snapshot of your image)

  • 3 links (links to some external websites that you are interested in. )

  • A link to your resume

Group presentation for Chapter 4

You all have done very good jobs of the discussion on the WebCT discussion board. I read some real good reflections there. For example, one post reflected on the possible challenges that teacher may meet when they are trying to approach those standards, and it also suggested team work and seeking help from the administration and peer teachers as solutions for this problem. Another person said, "Though standards may make lesson planning more diffcult at times, I think it's important to have a guideline for the material I'll teach and know what my students should have learned by a certain point." Someone else said, "I would hope that the increase of technology would simultaneously increase our standards and we could learn from the past standards that we have failed to meet".

I am impressed by your posts and I am looking forward seeing your future reflections with even higher quality on your following readings! In addition, I also wish there will be more real discussion on the board. You can not only post your own opinion, but also comment on others' opinions.

Next we will ask all four groups present your discussion results here. You will begin with introduce your group members and then you will talk about your reflection on this chapter. You will have 4 minutes for each group. It is NOT required to use PowerPoint to present. You can choose to just speak, or to use marker to help you elaborate your idea.

To do list:
  • Send me the web address of your autobiography page by Wednesday, Jan 23rd.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Chapter 4 PDF file download

For those of you who have had problems to download the Chapter 4 pdf file that I sent to your uga email addresses, please click here to download it. After downloading and saving it to your computer, you will be able to read it on your computer or print it.

If you have problem to find the book online, here is the link from Amazon.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Class 5: Chapter 1 & setting up your web-portfolio

Please sign in when you come to the class. I have your late pass quizzes back to you in those folders on the table at the door. Please get your own quiz and the late pass.

You should have already sent your pictures to me. If you have not done it, please email me your picture as soon as you can.

Today we have two tasks: talk about chapter 1 in our textbook; setting up your web-portfolio. You should have already set up your Gmail account and you should also have the three digital pictures ready for your autobiography page.

This textbook was written by Dr. Recesso and Dr. Orrill. Both of them are faculty members in the LPSL lab of our department. It gives k-12 teachers abundant ideas of integrating technology into their classroom instruction and imbedding the requirements of the state and national standards. The authors believe that class instruction should be learner-centered, encouraging collaboration, and inquiry-based. It is a very good book and you will find more useful resources at the end of each chapter after the SUMMARY section.

Plus, you will also have the access to the online resources of this textbook by logon to the website here with the password provided in the back of your new book. You will have the access to the web links related to each chapter of your text, glossary flashcards, HM Video case and case studies. It was said that the password will be expired six months after first use, but we usually use it in the class and I can send certain materials upon request.

Why do we need a web-portfolio?

What is web-portfolio? How to use it? Web-portfolio, some people also call it electronic portfolio, which is e-portfolio as short. It is a new format for traditional paper-based portfolio.

Traditionally, as Philippa Butler said in his a review of the literature on portfolios and electronic portfolios, “very simply put, a portfolio is a collection of evidence that is gathered together to show a person’s learning journey over time and to demonstrate their abilities. Portfolios can be specific to a particular discipline, or very broadly encompass a person’s lifelong learning.Many different kinds of evidence can be used in a portfolio: samples of writing, bother finished and unfinished; photographs; videos; research projects; observations and evaluations of supervisors, mentors and peers; and reflective thinking about all of these. In face, it is the reflections on the pieces of evidence, the reasons they were chosen and what the portfolio creator learned from them, that are the key aspect to a portfolio. ” Kimball goes further, arguing that “neither collection nor selection of pieces to be incorporated into a portfolio are worthwhile learning tasks without a basis in reflection. Reflection undergirds the entire pedagogy of portfolios. ”

Two other key elements to portfolios are that they measure learning and development over time, and that it is the process of constructing a portfolio, rather than the end product, that is where the learning takes place.

To do list:

1. Send me the web address of your autobiography page.

2. Assigned reading:
Please read chapter 4 of the textbook then discuss in groups on webCT. Every group member should post at least once on your group discussion board of webCT. On Friday, you will present your discussion results from the discussion board as a group. Each group will have 4 minutes to present. You will need to address the main concepts of the chapter, certain implications of the chapter content in your future teaching and some possible challenges of embedding these standards to your classroom.
  • Group 1: Kelly, Avery, Erin Clay, Melissa, and Callae.
  • Group 2: Erin Dunn, Kyle, Jennifer, Haley, and Jamie.
  • Group 3: Katharine Kerce, Chelsea, Courtney, Michael, and Jeremy.
  • Group 4: Katherine Sheetz, Amy, Robert, Wesley, and Angela.
Reminder: your resume is due on Friday. Please remember to submit your resume on WebCT before the class!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Class 4: Resume & Setting up your web-portfolio

Welcome back to the class. I hope you all have had a great weekend. Today is the due date for the Late Pass quiz. Please give me your Late Pass quiz before or after the class.

Today we have two major tasks:
1. Talking about the first assignment: resume;
2. Start setting up your web-portfolio.

You should have brought four digital images including one of yourself.

Assignment: Resume

In order to get you started thinking about your future I want for you to create a resume. Some of you may already have one and others may not. If you have one you may adjust it to suit this assignment (no use in recreating the wheel). Your resume should be professional and its purpose should focus on educational jobs. You'll want everything to look professional, so use a resume template for PCs (browse for resume templates). A resume provides a quick overview of your educational background, work experience, and skills to prospective employers. Several components that are required or optional in your resume are:

  • Contact information (required)
  • Objective (required)
  • Education (required)
  • Work Experience (required, can be volunteer service)
  • Honors and Awards (optional)
  • Computer Skills/Special Skills (optional)
  • Personal Interests (optional)
  • Professional References (required)

Here are some sites to help you in creating your resume:

UGA Career Center
Tips on resumes
Resume design
Sample resume

You will need to submit the resume before the class starts on Friday, January 18th.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Class 3: Setting up Your Key Drive, Getting to Know Each Other, & Resume

Please give your student information sheet to me before the class.

Today you get a take-home quiz for the syllabus. As I said on Wednesday, people who get 100 points will get a late pass as a reward.

Today we will have several tasks:
1. Set up your USB key drive;
2. Get to know each other;
3.Resume assignment;
4.Introduce to the web-portfolio.

USB Key Drive

You should have your USB key drive with you for today. The handout tells you how to set it up. Before you leave today you should have 2 folders and 1 document on your drive. Two folders:

  • Assignments
  • Portfolio
Open if found document
Open MS Word and create a new document. Type the following: 1. your name 2. phone # 3. e-mail address Save the file to your key drive (see handout). The file should be called "openiffound.doc". This file should be saved to the key drive - not in one of the 2 folders you created. Get to know each other

Today we will be getting to know some of the people in the room. Those of you who have been with us for two classes already should be getting a sense of who I am. However, in a lab situation it is easy to go through the entire semester and only get to know the person sitting to the right of you and the person sitting to the left of you. Today, we're going to start to change that.

Getting to know each other
Today we will be getting to know some of the people in the room. Those of you who have been with us for two classes already should be getting a sense of who I am. However, in a lab situation it is easy to go through the entire semester and only get to know the person sitting to the right of you and the person sitting to the left of you. Today, we're going to start to change that.

For Monday, we will talk about resizing a digital picture and creating your own web-portfolio.
You will need to:
  • Bring four digital pictures including one digital picture of yourself;
  • Give me the take-home syllabus quiz.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Class 2: Digital Generation

We already talked a little bit about how technologies are integrated into teaching and learning. Now let's look at what does technology integration look like Harrison County High School in Gulfport, Mississippi. This is a wonderful example of students and teachers using technology tools for learning. If that’s not enough, see how Mary Scroggs Elementary School in Chapel Hill, North Carolina integrates technology to help younger children learn.

What knowledge do you currently have about teaching and learning? About what technology integration looks like in a classroom? What technology skills do you already possess?

How would you describe your future students? What type of learners will they be? What expectations will they have for their learning environment, for their teachers, for their community?

These are all questions to consider your audience, what teaching will need to look like for them, and how you can use technology in effective ways for this particular audience.

In order to find and document these appropriate uses of technology, you will work independently, in partners, and in groups to prepare educational activities for specific curriculum topics. As I mentioned on Monday, you will play the role of a classroom teacher and use your content knowledge, understanding of teaching and learning strategies, and your technology skills to develop real applications for the various tools explored during the semester. Your final product will be a web-based set of activities to teach specific curriculum objectives.

USB Key Drive VS. Gmail
As I talked on Monday, you have two choices to backup your projects of this semester. You can either choose to use a traditional USB key drive or choose to use the Gmail to backup your files and projects. Both ways have their pros and cons.

The Gmail is free and accessible anywhere with Internet access. You don't have to worry about lost or crash of your key drive, and it has the strong searching function. When you have a single file over 30M, however, it will be very hard to attach it to the email. Fortunately, most of our projects are no bigger than 2M except for your CD version of the iMovie project. But you can always save your iMovie project as the web version or even email version.

Using USB key drive, you usually do not have trouble with saving a single big file which is over 30M.
But it may be lost or crashed, and some computers may not be able to recognize certain types of key drives.
We will talk about the use of Gmail account on Friday. If you choose to use key drive, the
handout tells you how to set it up. Before you leave today you should have 2 folders and 1 document on your drive.

Two folders:
  • Assignments
  • Portfolio

Open if found document
Open MS Word and create a new document. Type the following:
1. your name
2. phone #
3. e-mail address

Save the file to your key drive (see handout). The file should be called "openiffound.doc". This file should be saved to the key drive - not in one of the 2 folders you created.

For Friday's class, we are going to introduce a little more about Windows and Mac, and our first assignment.

Tomorrow will be the last day for drop and add!
  • Play a BINGO game to get us know each other;
  • Talk about our first assignment

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Class 1 - Welcome to EDIT 2000!

Welcome to EDIT 2000! This course is designed to help you to master the skills for understanding, designing, developing and evaluating issues on how to use technology for meaningful teaching and learning in P-12 classroom. The focus is not on technology, but on the teaching and learning processes into which technology can be adequately integrated.

In the course of this semester, you will need to work independently or cooperatively with others to finish a variety of projects in which different technologies are utilized to support specific curriculum focus. Most projects will require you to demonstrate your understanding of teaching and learning strategies and technology integration to address a learning need for specific grade level and subject domain. Most projects also require you to develop reflective thinking on your own learning experiences of finishing those projects. The final project is a web-based portfolio incorporating all the projects you have developed in this course.

The instructor for your EDIT 2000 class is Rui Hu. This course website will give you important information about this course. The syllabus will give you a basic idea about this course and what to expect during the semester.

Materials needed for this course
--a USB storage device

You will not need it until the next Monday though. You can get one just about anywhere: office supply stores, Target, Wal-mart, the bookstore, etc. Currently, you can get a 1 Gb USB drive at Circuit City from 12.99 (http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Sony-1GB-Micro-Vault-Classic-USB-Flash-Drive-USM1GJ/sem/rpsm/oid/161706/catOid/-12973/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do).
However, if you already have one with 128 Mb storage or more, it will work for this class.

--a 3-ring binder to keep track of handouts.
--a back-up location for EDIT 2000 files

What to expect in EDIT 2000? Thoughts from past students...

Looking ahead

  • Review the syllabus.
  • On Wednesday we will set-up your key drive. Have it with you on that day and bring it to class every day.
  • For this class, every student needs to have a gmail account, if you don’t have one yet, I will send out an invitation to you.