Thursday, January 10, 2008

Class 3: Setting up Your Key Drive, Getting to Know Each Other, & Resume

Please give your student information sheet to me before the class.

Today you get a take-home quiz for the syllabus. As I said on Wednesday, people who get 100 points will get a late pass as a reward.

Today we will have several tasks:
1. Set up your USB key drive;
2. Get to know each other;
3.Resume assignment;
4.Introduce to the web-portfolio.

USB Key Drive

You should have your USB key drive with you for today. The handout tells you how to set it up. Before you leave today you should have 2 folders and 1 document on your drive. Two folders:

  • Assignments
  • Portfolio
Open if found document
Open MS Word and create a new document. Type the following: 1. your name 2. phone # 3. e-mail address Save the file to your key drive (see handout). The file should be called "openiffound.doc". This file should be saved to the key drive - not in one of the 2 folders you created. Get to know each other

Today we will be getting to know some of the people in the room. Those of you who have been with us for two classes already should be getting a sense of who I am. However, in a lab situation it is easy to go through the entire semester and only get to know the person sitting to the right of you and the person sitting to the left of you. Today, we're going to start to change that.

Getting to know each other
Today we will be getting to know some of the people in the room. Those of you who have been with us for two classes already should be getting a sense of who I am. However, in a lab situation it is easy to go through the entire semester and only get to know the person sitting to the right of you and the person sitting to the left of you. Today, we're going to start to change that.

For Monday, we will talk about resizing a digital picture and creating your own web-portfolio.
You will need to:
  • Bring four digital pictures including one digital picture of yourself;
  • Give me the take-home syllabus quiz.

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