Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Class 25: PowerPoint Games

Today, we will work in teams to:
  • have your team members to review your game story and game directions;
    • Remember: your game story needs to be interesting and compelling so that your students will be interested in playing the game;
    • creativity and effort takes 10 points for this project. Creativity can be shown in many aspects, such as your game story, game strategy (how your students will play this game), the layout and the design of your game appearance.
  • help create and refine your 15 questions and "thinking out loud" your directions for the game you are creating. This will require that you solicit support from your classmates so that you can create some great questions and have your directions formulated;
    • Remember: questions take 10 points in this project. Try to refine your questions and think of ways to involve higher critical thinking levels.
  • select game pieces and look at possible gameboards.
    • Remember: Game board is not mandatory, but to create a game board by drawing and scanning it into pictures will earn you a late pass. Previously I said that you need to draw and scan a game board to earn the late pass, but now I have a link to a tutorial on how to create a game board using ppt. I recommend the "creating your 2 fold game board template."You just modify the board to suite your needs. Change colors of squares, change shapes, etc. Another option is to look at previous student's game boards. Select edit slides and you can modify them if they are not screen shots - feel free to copy and paste.
Get into iMovie groups of 4 and reserve MiniDV for the iMovie project. (Your iMovie group needs to have at least one person in COE to check out the MiniDV).
You need to reserve it from Monday, March 24th to Wednesday, March 26th.
For Friday, we will work independently in classroom and class attendance is required.

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